antique sculptures - statues, reliefs, busts...

Are you looking for statues, busts and reliefs in the garden or into your interior? In our offer you can find statues into a flat or garden, statues made from stone, wooden, cast, plaster statues and other. Or you can extend our offer with statues which you would like to sell. Purchase and sale with the support of our website is preferable because we claim no sales commission so we don't increase sale prices. Statues, busts and reliefs are exposed on our website by different stores or individuals from throughout the Czech Republic.

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Qilin Rider

Qilin Rider

China, 19th century Gilded wooden statue of a man riding the mythical qilin....


109,- €






522,- €


Bust - bronze - Demetre Chiparus - 1925

Bust - bronze - Demetre Chiparus - 1925

Demetre Chiparus (1886-1947)

antique gallery

5 000,- €


Bust - 1960

Bust - 1960



1 087,- €




Albert Ernest Carrier-Belleuse

antique gallery

10 000,- €


Number of items: 406